Chiropractic Health Screenings

Marketing for Chiropractic Health Screenings
Every doctor has heard about doing chiropractic health screenings or has tried to do them at some point. The majority of chiropractors hate doing them, and typically have not had much success with them. While they may not be the most fun way to spend your day, they are still one of the best ways to generate new patients. Some of the biggest months of new patients we ever had came from doing this form of marketing.
Our one week record for new patients was 65, and it came the week following a big screening. We finished that month with 165 new patients, and I would say about half of them came from the screenings we did that month. This is an great way to get out into the public and share your message.
As complicated as most people try to make chiropractic marketing it’s actually very simple. Work on it consistently and you’ll have amazing results. Your fellow doctors will come to you asking how you’re doing it, and you’ll end up telling them the same thing. Put your focus on it, and stay consistent. All the ideas you’ll ever need will flow to you without much effort.
Screenings are relatively simple, but there’s a science to it. The videos below will layout the process that we used to reach a huge number of people in our community.