In Office Promotions
My wife and I had a chance to work in a couple of the largest offices in the world before we started our own practice. We got to do a great deal of marketing in those practices, and this marketing program was very successful. It was almost a modified patient appreciation day, but it took things to a whole new level.
In order to do this big day the office bought a really nice grill and a mountain bike. The brand new items were setup in the front of the office with balloons and posters. Patients were told that for every referral name they gave to the office they would have a ticket placed in the drawing.
Over a month of time in this office we collected close to 300 names. Each of the leads were contacted and invited in for a free new patient event. About 50% of the 85 people showed up for their appointments, and we ended the day with about 40 new patient exams completed.
There were certainly problems that happened with the number of people that came in that day. I wouldn’t recommend doing numbers like that in one day. The better way to do this would be to break up the new patients across a few days in the week.