The 7 Tools to Chiropractic Online Marketing Success

In 2021 Chiropractic Online Marketing is more important than ever before. With all the social limits in place people are turning to the internet to find products and services. Chiropractors that are maximizing their online efforts are seeing fantastic growth.
This article will walk you through the 7 tools you need in place to generate more new patients online.
Step #1 - Your Chiropractic Website
Think of your chiropractic website as the foundation piece. I’m sure everyone has heard the saying of “you can’t build a great building on a weak foundation”. There is no comparison that fits better than a website to an online marketing plan.
When creating your website, there are a few major factors that you’ll want in place. Think of these as the main pillars that support your building!
- Pictures. Pictures. – Too many offices that I talk to don’t have personalized pictures. They are hiding behind the common stock pictures of people in pain that every chiropractor in town will have. When potential new patients are searching online, they are wanting to get an idea of who you are and what you look like. They want to choose someone who appears to be trustworthy and approachable. If you don’t have personalized pictures on the website, it is a huge mistake.
- Clear Call to Action – Today at Inception we manage over 2000+ websites. When we look into the analytics on every single one of these sites, we see the same thing; patients are not spending a lot of time on the site.They typically spend 5 seconds on the homepage, 5 seconds on the about us page, and then they take some sort of action, or next step.
- We need to have a clear message on the first page of the website that gives the potential new patient direction on exactly what they need to do to take that next step.
- Highlight Your Patient Reviews! – Everyone that is doing searches online is looking at reviews. As the internet continues to become entrenched in people’s lives, it is causing social proof to become even more important.To think of the importance, I always recommend putting yourself in the consumer/patients’ perspective. Let’s say we are searching for a new dentist for the family. Would you choose the dentist who has 50+ 5-star reviews on Google and video testimonials on their website? Or, would you choose the office who has 2 reviews, and doesn’t have anything on their site?
- Everyone will choose option #1. Reviews matter. A lack of reviews matter.
- Top Google Ranking – We can have the most beautiful and high converting chiropractic website in the world, but if no one is finding it, it won’t be producing for you.We’ll discuss this more later on, but here’s a way to ensure your website is working for you:
- Go to a new fresh, incognito google search. Type in “chiropractor (Your City)”. If you aren’t showing up in the top 3 results, or at all on page 1, there is room for improvement.
Once your website is designed to attract new patients, your foundation is set, and you are ready to build!
Step #2 - Chiropractic Google Ads
One of the most efficient ways to drive more traffic to your website and more patients in the office is Google Ads (or Google AdWords).
If you’ve never heard of Google Ads, they are the paid or sponsored listings that show up at the top of the Google searches.
An amazing thing that can happen when running a Chiropractic Google Ad campaign is your office can show up 3 to 4 times in a search result.
- An ad can show up at the top above all other results.
- An ad can show up alongside the organic maps listings.
- You can show up organically in the 3 Pack.
- You can show up organically with the website itself.
If an office can have all of these positions covered, there is no question they will generate more business.
Most of our clients at Inception are using AdWords for their office. I’ve never run into a city where Google can’t produce patients, it always comes down to cost.
If you’ve never run ads at your office, check out our Chiropractic Google Ad Guide
Step #3 – Chiropractic Facebook Ads
Facebook Advertising has been a large push in chiropractic for the past few years. Most chiropractic offices that we talk to have tried it or at least have some experience with it. If you’ve never done any advertising on Facebook, it is definitely worth a shot. At the very least, you’ll get an idea of what it can produce for you.
Some of the biggest benefits of advertising on Facebook are;
- It’s a whole new audience. – SEO and Google Ads only puts you in front of people that are online actively searching for Chiropractors. Facebook is a whole new group of people that you wouldn’t have touched before.
- – On Facebook, you have the ability to market any type of service at your office. Many doctors have success with Neuropathy, Decompression, Regenerative Medicine, etc.
- Year Round Success – Since Facebook is a pay per impression strategy, we can constantly be getting ourselves in front of potential patients year round.
If you’ve never tried Facebook and would like a quick rundown, give our team a call at (920) 857-1106. We will give you the best honest advice we can.
Step #4 - Chiropractic Reputation
Online reviews have never been more important than they are today for chiropractors. Anyone that does a search online is using reviews to make their decision on who they will reach out to. The offices that have more reviews, will get more new patients online.
One of the most important things to know about reviews is that the offices who have them are asking for them, and the offices who don’t, aren’t asking.
Asking your patients for reviews can be an awkward process. Not too many people are comfortable doing so. Our team recently put together a guide with 4 tips to improve your reputation online. If you are in need of a new strategy for reviews, I recommend checking it out.
Step #5 – Seo for Chiropractors
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short is one of the most important things to have in place in your online marketing efforts. If you aren’t familiar with SEO, essentially, it is all of the little things that go on behind the scenes on a website to make it more attractive to Google.
The stronger your sites SEO, the higher you will be able to populate in a search in your area.
The best way to see if you need SEO assistance is to go to do the search like we looked at earlier.
Go to a new fresh, incognito google search. Type in “chiropractor (Your City)”. If you aren’t showing up in the top 3 results, or at all on page 1, there is room for improvement.
If you don’t see yourself showing up, give our team a call. One of our online marketing experts would be happy to dig into your situation and give you the best advice that we can.
Step #6 – Patient Communication
Running a chiropractic office is a tough thing to do. There are quite a few different moving pieces that are always happening at the same time. On top of all of the daily operations in the office, and worrying about new patients, a big factor is communicating with your current patients.
It’s important to stay in touch with current patients to help with the retention rate.
At Inception, our Patient Connect system can help you automate this system.
Patient Connect allows you to do:
- 2 Way Texting
- Automated Appointment Reminders
- Automated Review Request Campaigns
- Automated Newsletters
- Automated Reactivation Campaigns
- Automated New Patient Sequences
- (The opportunities are endless!)
We live in a world of automation and having systems in place to automatically help you communicate with your current patients can save you time and money.
Step #7 – Chiropractic Referrals
Referrals are a huge driver for new patients for most chiropractic offices that I talk to. The crazy thing is most offices don’t have any sort of system in place. They just let it happen naturally.
Every practice can use more referral patients. Building a strong referral program can make sure you always have a consistent flow coming in.
Back when we ran an office, we had a Referral Card Program in place. It was as simple program that was the #1 generator for new patients on the months we handed them out.
We designed a special referral card that gives referral patients an offer and an expiration date.
We trained our staff and perfected a script to use when handing out the cards to our current patients.
Once our staff was trained, this system happened automatically every other month.
Each of these 7 steps helps chiropractic offices generate more new patients every single month. There is a lot of power when all of these systems are working together. Our clients that are doing all of these things are having more success.
If you have any questions about any of these powerful chiropractic online marketing tools, give our team a call. We are always happy to help out.